History of Coffee
Explore the history of Coffee
Roshni Hira Se, 51-60
This is series of video lectures of author in Urdu on a book written as biographical account of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) https://youtu.be/6PrqsYQLmy8 https://youtu.be/knEG5QZjoxs https://youtu.be/tgMpIMnHZ6A https://youtu.be/X9xS37Btf2o...
Roshni Hira Se by Dr. Shams Jilani, Part I-20
This is series of video lectures of author in Urdu on a book written as biographical account of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkGIv5JTPs8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN2Lqy3XgIE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qxc6bEgI1w ...
Early Life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan & Sociocultural background of 19th Century, Delhi
Early Life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan & Sociocultural background of 19th Century, Delhi
Roshni Hira se, 41-50
This is series of video lectures of author in Urdu on a book written as biographical account of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
History of Quarantine
COVID 19, Pic source: John Hopkins University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gr3ds5nYbg A short video story on Quarantine While the world witnessed one of the major pandemic these days in the form of Corona virus spread. More than 220, 000 cases of COVID 19 had been...
Eating With History: Ancient Trade- Influenced Cuisines of Kerala
A culinary treatise blended with multilayered heritage, & culture of Kerala. Eating With History: Ancient Trade- Influenced Cuisines of Kerala is a culinary account authored by Tanya Abraham & published by Niyogi books in 2020. The Two hundred four pages book...
Roshni Hira Se by Dr. Shams Jilani, Part 21-40
This is series of video lectures of author in Urdu on a book written as biographical account of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) https://youtu.be/IEfAc0JCLwg https://youtu.be/-fP7f5-dj0s https://youtu.be/5YvDQjaNvcc https://youtu.be/9QRdsCkLd6Q...
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan: Emissary of Peace
That man is a Muslim who never hurts anyone by word or deed, but who works for the benefit and happiness of God’s creatures.’ Belief in God is to love one’s fellow men.