by Khalid Bin Umar | Mar 31, 2021 | Historical Narratives, People stories, Sufiway
Raja Tikait Rai was the Diwan of Awadh from 1791 – 1796 during the reign of Asaf-u-daula. He was a Srivastava Kayasth from Dalmau, a qasbah in Rai Bareli. He started his career as an a account clerk and rose on to become the powerful finance minister of Awadh....
by Khalid Bin Umar | Mar 4, 2021 | Historical Narratives, People stories
A man of great personal excellence, and exemplary ruler of India, and the greatest leader ever produced by the Afghans who sat on the throne of Delhi for not more than five years, but his rule became a landmark in the Sub-continent. Sher Shah is one of the...
by Khalid Bin Umar | Dec 28, 2020 | Articles In Urdu
الوداع شمس الرحمٰن فاروقی بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم کسی نامور بڑی شخصیت کے انتقال پر اکثر ایک جملہ دہرایا جاتا ہے کہ ، مرحوم اپنی ذات میں ایک انجمن تھے جو اکثر اوقات مبالغہ ہوتا ہے مگر یقین سے کہا جا سکتا یے کہ شمس الرحمٰن فاروقی کی رحلت ، ایک انجمن ، ایک ادارہ...
by Khalid Bin Umar | Dec 6, 2020 | Historical Narratives, Monuments
Lucknow is not a very old city, yet is has a very rich cultural and architectural heritage to its glory. It has always been known as a center of Modern Indian life with its rich historical legacy. It rose into prominence after it became an important center of...
by Khalid Bin Umar | Sep 30, 2020 | Articles In Urdu
حضرت زید بن علی ( زید الشہید) آج ہمارا موضوع تاریخ اسلام کی اہم ترین شخصیات میں سے ایک ،خانوادہ نبوت کے چشم و چراغ, حضرت زیدؒ بن امام علی زین العابدین ؓ ہیں ، آپ امام حسین ع کے پوتے اور حضرت زین العابدین کے بیٹے تھے ،اہل اسلام کے تمام...