Shah Dost Mohammad, also known as Shah Dosi Lakhnavi. He was a saint of the Malamati order of Sufism. His tomb is on the Trans-Gomti Hostel road, Bans Mandi, Khadra, Lucknow. He was one of the earliest and most revered Sufis of Lucknow. His eminence can be determined from the fact that Shah Abdur Razzaq (R.A) of Bansa, a famous Sufi saint, was his follower. As a result of the prayers of Shah Dosi, Shah Abdur Razzaq Bansvi was blessed with a son. . He named his son Ghulam Dost Mohammad in honor of his spiritual master. Shah Dost Mohammad died on 27th Jamadi Us Saani in 1122 Hijri, corresponding to 1710 A.D. His annual Urs is celebrated every year on 26, 27, and 28 Jamadi Us Saani. This year, it will be celebrated on 18,19, and 20 January 2022. Until a few years ago, the caretaker of Bansa Shareef organized and participated in Shah Dosi’s Urs every year — now, it has been overtaken by the locals, who have introduced Qawwali to the event, which was notably not organized during the life of Shah Dosi himself. Shah Abdur Razzaq (R.A) used to regularly visit Shah Dosi (R.A) during his life, as well as after his death. During his visit to Lucknow, he stayed at the Bagh of Shah Dosi. Mir Khuda Yaar Khan, who founded the locality Katra Khuda Yaar Khan, was also the disciple of Shah Abdur Razzaq. He built a house for his master in the Bagh of Shah Dosi.

Some eminent personalities during the period of Shah Dosi are as follows:
Shah Pir Muhammad– Sufi saint during the period of the 06th Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. He built the Teeley Wali Masjid in honor of the saint.
Shah Sayyid Abdur Razzaq Bansvi– A famous Sufi saint, and disciple of Shah Dost Mohammad. His tomb is at Bansa, Barabanki.
Mulla Nizamuddin Farangi Mahli– He was a famous scholar from Lucknow, who was renowned for Dars-e-Nizami (studying curriculum to become Aalim in the Indian subcontinent). Mulla Nizamuddin was also a disciple of Shah Abdur Razzaq.
Mir Khuda Yaar Khan– A native of Lucknow, and also a disciple of Shah Abdur Razzaq.
Mohammad Afaaq Lakhnavi– Sajjada Nasheen of Shah Pir Muhammad.
Shah Ghulam Naqshbandi– Successor of Shah Pir Muhammad.

From the memories of my father, I had heard that Maulana Nasir Miyan Firangi Mahli, who was Pir (Spiritual Guide) of my father visited only two places after sunset — Shah Dosi’s (R.A.) Urs, and the urs of Shah Nasrullah. Except this, he never left his quarters after sunset. More about Shah Dosi can be read in the book: Tazkira Hazrat Sayyid Saheb Bansvi written by Mohammad Raza Ansari Farangi Mahli
Syed Abdul Mannan is a Lucknow based Financial Analyst. He has an avid love for history and culture of Awadh. He also runs a social media handle “Guzashta Lakhnau” to share heritage, cuisine and culture of Awadh.