Prime minister of Akbar Shah II & Sir Syed Maternal Grandfather
Khwaja Fariduddin, the maternal grandfather of Sir Syed was among the descendants of 12th Sufi scholar of Naqshbandi Tariqa, Khwaja Mohammad Yusuf Hamdani. The grandfather of Khwaja Fariduddin came to Delhi for trade of Kashmiri Shawls. Khwaja Fariduddin was one of the most distinguished among his brothers who attained knowledge of oriental sciences from famous Tafazzul Hussain Khan from Lucknow during reign of Asaf Ud Daula. He was also send as an envoy to Tehran by Governor General. After his return he was also send to Calcutta. According to Altaf Hussain Hali, he was called to Delhi by Akbar Shah II & bestowed with title of Dabir Ud Daula Amin Ul Mulk Maslah Jang & appointed as Vezier (Prime minister). He was also send as an envoy to Tehran by Governor General. After his return he was also send to Calcutta. In the book “Life & works of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan” by G.F.I.Graham (1885), the author cited that Sir Syed had one replica of the painting from Akbar Shah II court that showed the crowd of princes & noble. Among the crowd, Sir David Ochterlony & Prime minister Khawaja Fariduddin Nawab Dabir Ud Daula who was the maternal grandfather (Nana) of Sir Syed were standing in a front row. The general is in full dress with cocked hat on the head leaning on the “Jarib” given by the Emperor. The Prime minister also holds the “Jarib” standing by the side of Orchterlony. He further added that the painting was lost by the family during the mutiny.
There is a painting dated mid 19th century with title “THE DARBAR OF AKBAR SHAH II“. This is only painting described by the Graham of Orchterlony leaning on “Jarib” & also the name of Khawaja Fakhruddin has been cited among the nobles.

Delhi, mid-to-late 19th century
The foot notes of the painting is as follows:
Among those in attendance on the left are Shadi Rama, Raja Ram, Qalandar Ali Khan, Shah Haji, Bakhshi Mahmud Khan, Mirza Abul Muzaffar Muhammad Bahadur, Mirza Salim Bahadur, Mustaufi AllahYar Khan, Nawab Muhammad Mir Jahan, Khwajah Farid ud-daula, and Sir David Ochterlony. On the right, Mirza Darab Khan, Shahzadeh Mirza Jahan Khusrow, Shahzadeh Mirza Bulokhi, Nawab Mamad Mir Khan, Nawab Hisamudin Khan, and Nawab Mir Haidar Ali Khan.
Delhi, mid-to-late 19th century

Founder, Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College
- Hayat E Javed by Altaf Hussain Hali
- Life & works of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan” by G.F.I.Graham (1885).
- Source painting:…
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