People Stories
The Garden of Princess, birth of Club & Cricket Board of India
Roshanāra Begum was the third daughter of Shajahan and Mumtaz Mahal. Born on 2 Ramadan 1026 A.H. or 1617 A.D at Burhanpur, she was the first lady during the reign of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir.
Myths & Realities of Arab roots among South Asian Muslims
Interaction between Harappa people and Aryans way back in time left indelible marks and scars that defined the subcontinent for all times to come. People here in their march have changed faith several times.
Shivaji : The Man and the Myth
Shivaji ranks amongst the few selected Indian chiefs who displayed exemplary strong moral character and ethics during his long military career. He always showed respect and protected women, children, holy books and places of worship irrespective of creed and religion.
Mulla Jeevan of Amethi (1633-1717 AD)
He was born on 25 Shaban 1047 Hijri (1636 AD) at Amethi. His father Mulla Abu Saeed was a Hafiz, a Scholar and a successor of Shaikh Bahawal Haq known as a very noble soul. His mother was the sister of Nawab Izzat Khan ( Real name Abdullah) who was a Mir-i-Aatish at the Royal Kitchen.
Dargah Hazrat Shah Nasrullah Shattari Lakhnawi
Hazrat Shah Nasrullah (R.A) was one of the earliest and most revered Sufis of Lucknow. He was from the progeny of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (R.A). He died in Lucknow during the reign of the Mughal emperor Akbar. In fact, during a visit to Lucknow,
A forgotten Princess – Jahanzeb Banu
Thereafter the brave Mughal princes called Rao Anirudh Singh near to her elephant and told him, Asmat e Chaghtaiya ba Rajput yak ast ! “The honour of Chughtais (Mughals) is same to Rajputs as their own honour “
Ahmad Ali Saharanpuri – A forgotten Pioneer !
Maulana Ahmad Ali Saharanpuri – A pioneer ! Maulana Ahmad Ali Saharanpuri (1810-80) (1225-1297 Hijri) was a scholar from Saharanpur India whose contributions towards dissemination of Hadith literature in the subcontinent is immense and unforgettable. A student of Shah...
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s “Delhi”, “Asar us Sanadid” and His contribution to Indo-Muslim Historiography
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was a Renaissance Person, a Polymath: a writer, a religious thinker, a social reformer, and a scholar of comparative religion. His work as a historian added new dimensions to the conventional historiography in South Asia.
Early Life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan & Sociocultural background of 19th Century, Delhi
Early Life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan & Sociocultural background of 19th Century, Delhi
Shah Bheek/Bhikari of Kakori
A biographical account of 15th century Sufi saint whose couplets were included in Adi Granth