Hazrat Pir Abdul Jaleel Chishti Lakhnavi
Hazrat Pir Abdul Jaleel (R.A) was one of the most popular saints of Lucknow. He belongs to the Owaisi silsila of Sufism.
Hazrat Shah Dosi Lakhnavi (R.A)
Shah Dost Mohammad, also known as Shah Dosi Lakhnavi was a saint of the Malamati order of Sufism. His tomb is located on the Trans-Gomti Hostel road, Baans Mandi, Khadra, Lucknow. He was one of the earliest and most revered Sufis of Lucknow.
Shah Bheek/Bhikari of Kakori
A biographical account of 15th century Sufi saint whose couplets were included in Adi Granth
Raja Tikait Rai (1760–1808) and Damgarha
One day, Tikait Rai, a jobless youngman , was sweeping the floor at the Khanqah in Damgarha where he often frequented. Shah Basit Ali Qalandar, while stepping out of his house, gave him a Qalamdan ( Pen-case) and prophesied about his bright future as minister.
Dargah Hazrat Shah Nasrullah Shattari Lakhnawi
Hazrat Shah Nasrullah (R.A) was one of the earliest and most revered Sufis of Lucknow. He was from the progeny of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (R.A). He died in Lucknow during the reign of the Mughal emperor Akbar. In fact, during a visit to Lucknow,
Visiting Sufi Shrines & Making Supplications
Sufism has continued to spread the message of Risalah through Wilayah. One who challenges Wilayah ultimately is challenging Risalah and the world knows what it calls those people who reject prophetic traditions.
Bedil – A poet , A Sufi , A Philosopher !
One of the greatest Persian poets of all times, Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil was born in 1644 in Akbarnagar, (east of Bhagalpur) while most of the earlier scholars have stated Azimabad to be his birth place but a recent research suggests that he was born in Akbar Nagar (Raj Mahal) at the Bengal-Bihar Border where his father resided as his mother was a Bengali.
Hazrat Sayyid Shah Ain-ul-Quzat Naqshbandi Lakhnavi (R.A)
There has been intresting account related to the migration of Sayyid Wazil Ali from his native place, i.e., Golconda. He foretold the exact date and year when Mir Azfal-ud-Daula, Asaf Jah V (ruled from 1857 to 1869) would become Nizam when the latter asked him for prayers on his behalf. After becoming the Nizam, Mir Afzal-ud-Daula granted him Jagirs (land). Once, after becoming Nizam, Mir Afzal- ud-Daula summoned him to his court for prayers, which Hazrat Wazir Ali disliked.
Dargah Hazrat Khwaja Sayyid Hasan Maudoodi, Rustam Nagar, Lucknow
Khawaja Hasan R.A died on 10th Zil Hijjah 1241 Hijri at the age of 86 years during the reign of Badshah Ghazi-ud-Din Haidar. He was buried at the land of Shah Qutub-e-Azam in Rustam Nagar locality of Lucknow. Shah Sayid Qutub-e-Azam, his son and khalifa built his tomb and a masjid there.
Mulla Jeevan of Amethi (1633-1717 AD)
He was born on 25 Shaban 1047 Hijri (1636 AD) at Amethi. His father Mulla Abu Saeed was a Hafiz, a Scholar and a successor of Shaikh Bahawal Haq known as a very noble soul. His mother was the sister of Nawab Izzat Khan ( Real name Abdullah) who was a Mir-i-Aatish at the Royal Kitchen.