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Shivaji : The Man and the Myth
Shivaji ranks amongst the few selected Indian chiefs who displayed exemplary strong moral character and ethics during his long military career. He always showed respect and protected women, children, holy books and places of worship irrespective of creed and religion.
Ahmad Ali Saharanpuri – A forgotten Pioneer !
Maulana Ahmad Ali Saharanpuri – A pioneer !...
Bedil – A poet , A Sufi , A Philosopher !
One of the greatest Persian poets of all times, Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil was born in 1644 in Akbarnagar, (east of Bhagalpur) while most of the earlier scholars have stated Azimabad to be his birth place but a recent research suggests that he was born in Akbar Nagar (Raj Mahal) at the Bengal-Bihar Border where his father resided as his mother was a Bengali.
Shah Bheek/Bhikari of Kakori
A biographical account of 15th century Sufi saint whose couplets were included in Adi Granth
Tansen’s Eid greetings for Emperor Akbar
This is an excerpt from the biographical account...
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