Sicily in poetry of Iqbal & its forgotten Saracen connect.

Sicily in poetry of Iqbal & its forgotten Saracen connect.

𝑻𝒉𝒂 𝒀𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒏̃ 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒂 𝑰𝒏 𝑺𝒆𝒉𝒓𝒂 𝑵𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒏̃ 𝑲𝒂 𝑲𝒂𝒃𝒉𝒊
𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒂𝒛𝒊-𝑮𝒂𝒉 𝑻𝒉𝒂 𝑱𝒊𝒏 𝑲𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒂 𝑲𝒂𝒃𝒉𝒊

When Allama Iqbal was returning from Europe to India where his flight passed over the Sicily, in melancholic mindset he wrote this poem about Sicily.

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Hazrat Shah Dosi Lakhnavi (R.A)

Hazrat Shah Dosi Lakhnavi (R.A)

Shah Dost Mohammad, also known as Shah Dosi Lakhnavi was a saint of the Malamati order of Sufism. His tomb is located on the Trans-Gomti Hostel road, Baans Mandi, Khadra, Lucknow. He was one of the earliest and most revered Sufis of Lucknow.

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Libraries during Mughal Era

Libraries during Mughal Era

The magnificent building “khan-e-tilism” was built by him in Agra. In one of three main buildings, “Khan-e-Saadat” had a library in its upper part. The library was equipped with Ja namaz (prayer rug), Qalamdaan (pen case), books, Juzdaan (portfolio), and specimens of beautiful calligraphies.

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Imam Majduddin al-Muiyyadi (ع)

Imam Majduddin al-Muiyyadi (ع)

He was born on 26 of Sha’ban in the year 1332 A.H (1914 A.D) in Radma which is located near the Mountain Bar’t. He later on migrated to Dahiyan, Sa’ada. During the reign of Ahmad ibn Yahya Hamiduddin, he participated in politics and worked for the betterment of the people.

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Mr. Theodore Beck & Aligarh Muslim University

Mr. Theodore Beck & Aligarh Muslim University

None are we more indebted than to Mr. Theodore Beck, the Principal of our College, who, during five years of earnest labour and self sacrifice, has made our cause his own, and materially furthered it by acquiring that deep insight and intimate knowledge of the social, political and financial needs and requirements of the Mohammedan community

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General Bakht Khan

General Bakht Khan

This precarious condition of Delhi prompted General Bakht Khan to depart from Bareilly to Delhi. Nana Rao ‘s brother accompanied him. On route he went past Budaun and came to Farrukhabad.

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Khanpur Estate participation in 1857, the first war of Indian Independence

Khanpur Estate participation in 1857, the first war of Indian Independence

Azim Khan fought many battles during the uprising 1857 and got fatally wounded and was martyred on the battlefield. He actively participated in the battle of the uprising under the overall command of Nawab Walidad khan of Malagarh & was deputed as his deputy at Khurja. He was arrested while crossing the Ganga to move into Rohilkhand and subsequently hanged by order of the British military commission.

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اب حضرت حسین (رض) نے مظلومیت کو ایک راہ دکھا دی ہے۔ اس کے بعد جو بھی ان (رض) کے راستے پر چلے گا ، وہ حسین ِ (رض) ثا نی کہلا ئے گا ، حسین نہیں !

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Alvida Shamsur Rahman Faruqi

Alvida Shamsur Rahman Faruqi

فارسی اور انگریزی ادبیات پر ایسی نظر اور ایک حاکمانہ قدرت تھی کہ اس زبان کے اساتذہ بھی پانی بھرتے نظر آتے ، گفتگو میں یہ عالم کہ آپ کسی موضوع کو لے لیجئے مثلآ مصوری ہے

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Shah Peer Muhammad Chishti & Tiley Wali Masjid

Shah Peer Muhammad Chishti & Tiley Wali Masjid

The ancient and early settlements of Lucknow were on the southern bank of the River Gomti , around the mound known as Lakshman Tila and it seems a few villages were located around this area called Lakshmanpur or Lachhmanpuri. In view of its significance, the Sheikhs of Lucknow too preferred to build their fort “Machhi Bhawan” which was the earliest part of the modern Lucknow.

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(Zaid Bin Ali (Zaid Shaheed

(Zaid Bin Ali (Zaid Shaheed

آج ہمارا موضوع تاریخ اسلام کی چند اہم ترین شخصیات میں سے ایک ،خانوادہ نبوت کے چشم و چراغ جناب زید بن علی ہیں ، آپ امام حسین ع کے پوتے اور حضرت سجاد زین العابدین کے بیٹے تھے ،اہل اسلام کی تمام شاخیں اپ کی عظمت و جلالت شان کی قائل ہے اور اپ کو اپنا محترم و مخدوم گردانتی ہیں

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1857: Fall of Delhi

1857: Fall of Delhi

Khawaja Hasan Nizami wrote, ‘’Poor Bakht Khan had to bear the burden of facing two adversaries, one were Britishers and other was Mirza Mughal. During these struggles his forces got out of control. Administrative body was rendered useless. Britishers captured Delhi and the scheme of rebellion went up in the air’’.

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The Retreat of Lucknow

The Retreat of Lucknow

During the battle at the Begum’s mansion around 500 rebel fighters were martyred. Sir Colin (Commander-in-Chief) did anticipate a grueling fight at Qaiser Bagh but the local sub commanders were afraid of Urban warfare as there was house to house.

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The Last Stand by Awadh

The Last Stand by Awadh

The first combined Nepalese and British attack was on “Alam Bagh”. There was an intense fight at Hazrat Mahal’s mansion around which hundreds of Rebel’s bodies were seen scattered. However just before the imminent takeover of “Chulakhi”, Khan Ali Khan reached with one thousand of his soldiers.

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Hazrat Ibrahim Alih Salam Ka Misali Kunba

Hazrat Ibrahim Alih Salam Ka Misali Kunba

حضرت ابرا ہیم علیہ السلام کو متعد با ر امتحا نا ت سے گذر نا پڑا، پہلی مرتبہ جب جبکہ انہو ں(ع) نے اپنے آبا واجداد کو جو کہ بت پر ستی میں مبتلا تھے کتنی خو بصو رتی سے سبق دیا وہ قر آن کی زبا ن میں سنئے

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Hazrat Sayyid Shah Ain-ul-Quzat Naqshbandi Lakhnavi (R.A)

Hazrat Sayyid Shah Ain-ul-Quzat Naqshbandi Lakhnavi (R.A)

There has been intresting account related to the migration of Sayyid Wazil Ali from his native place, i.e., Golconda. He foretold the exact date and year when Mir Azfal-ud-Daula, Asaf Jah V (ruled from 1857 to 1869) would become Nizam when the latter asked him for prayers on his behalf. After becoming the Nizam, Mir Afzal-ud-Daula granted him Jagirs (land). Once, after becoming Nizam, Mir Afzal- ud-Daula summoned him to his court for prayers, which Hazrat Wazir Ali disliked.

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Bedil – A poet , A Sufi , A Philosopher !

Bedil – A poet , A Sufi , A Philosopher !

One of the greatest Persian poets of all times, Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil was born in 1644 in Akbarnagar, (east of Bhagalpur) while most of the earlier scholars have stated Azimabad to be his birth place but a recent research suggests that he was born in Akbar Nagar (Raj Mahal) at the Bengal-Bihar Border where his father resided as his mother was a Bengali.

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Nawabs of Pahasu

Nawabs of Pahasu

Among five sons of Murad Ali Khan Nawab Muhammad Faiz Ali Khan was more prominent in the political & educational spheres. He was born on 26th August 1821 & completed his education that makes him proficient in Arabic & Persian languages.

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Imam al-Hādi ila al-Haqq

Imam al-Hādi ila al-Haqq

Born in tenth century Medina to a scholarly family who trace their lineage to Prophet Muhammad, Imam al-Hādi ila al-Haqq Yahya bin al-Husayn served as the first Imam of Yemen. He sought to revive the teachings and practices of his noble ancestors and authored numerous works on theology, jurisprudence and other subjects.

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نہ محراب حرم سمجھے نہ جانے طاق بت خانہ
جہاں دیکھی تجلی ہو گیا قربان پروانہ
جلا کر شمع پروانے کو ساری عمر روتی ہے
اور اپنی جان دے کر چین سے سوتا ہے پروانہ
حوالہ: شاعر : بیدم شاہ وارثی

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Sheikh Hasan Tahir Jaunpuri

Sheikh Hasan Tahir Jaunpuri

آپ عہد مغلیہ سے قبل ہندوستان کے عالم کبیر، عارف جلیل اور صاحب مقامات بزرگ گزرے ہیں ! شیخ حسن کے والد کا نام طاہر تھا اور اسی لئے آپ کا نام اکثر جگہوں پر حسن طاہر منقول ہے

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